IBPS PO Exam Evening Shift Questions- Exam held on 20.10.2013
1. The headquarter of Allahabad Bank is situated in?-Kolkata2. International Women’s Day is observed on?-8th march
3. What is the full form of GAAR?-General Anti Avoidance Rule
4. Name the new President of Zimbabwe?-Robert Mugabe
5. MIBOR is operating in which stock exchange?-NSE
6. Define Trade Deficit?- It is the negative balance between the imports and exports of the country
7. Which of the following new pension plan launched by Uttar Pradesh govt?
9. Which rate has been changed by RBI during 20/9/13 monetary policy review? - Repo rate
10.What is the import tax on Gold Jewellery?-15%
11. FII invests in Indian market through?-Participatory notes
12. World Trade Organization is Head Quartered in?-Geneva,Switzerland
13. Revenue Deficit is the difference between – Revenue Income and Revenue Expenditure
14. ATM without any bank's specified label is known as?-White Label ATMs
15. Who is the CEO of Apple Company?- Timothy D.Cook
16. Which of the following is the Largest stock exchange in the World? NYSE/Nasdaq
17. The actor who played the role of Milkha Singh in the movie Bhaag Milkha Bhaag ?-Farhaan Akhtar
18. Who is the richest person in India according to Forbes?-Mukesh Ambani
19. What is the Capital of Lebanon?- Beirut
20. Ranjan Sodhi is related to which sport?-Shooting
21. Bringing out illegal money to visible called?-
22. Govt approved disinvestment of 10% stake of which company?
23. What is the minimum limit of RTGS?-Rs.2 Lakh
24. According to basel 2, norms what is a supplementry capital?
25. LAF stands for – Liquidity Adjustment Facility
26. RBI was established on the recommendation of which committee?-Hilton Young Commission
27. "Grey Revolution" is associated with?-Fertilizers
28. What is the Male/Female ratio according to 2011 census? 1000:940
29. which stock exchange is profitable this year?
30. Barual is the Capital of?-
31. A policy adjustment done by central bank of a country to control money called- credit policy
32. Name the scheme which is 50% of SC category Punjab govt.
33. The difference between govt. revenue and govt. expenditure is known as?-Budget Deficit