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Wednesday 29 October 2014


01 The first Olympiad was held in Greece in the year- 776 BC
02 Rome was founded in the year                         -       753 BC
03 The Great wall of China was built in the year -       214 BC
04 The first voyage around the world was undertook by whom in 1522- Magellan
05 The first President of USA was                         -       George Washington
06 Which Battle marked the end of Napoleon era -       Waterloo
07 The American War of Independence was fought between- America and Great Britain
08 Adolf Hitler was also known as                         -        Fuhrer
09 The first woman in world to become the Prime minister of a country was- Sirimao Bandara Naike
10 The Emperor of Germany who dismissed his Chancellor Bismark in 1980 was - William II
11 Two Presidents of USA were father and son.Their names were John Adams & Quincey
12 The UNO came into existance in                         -         1945 AD
13 The king of England before Elizabeth II was          -        George VI
14 Queen Elizabeth I ascended the throne of England in the year- 1558 AD
15 The Statue of Liberty of New York was a gift from-     France
16 Hitler's secret service was also known as          -Gestapo
17 The last Emperor of Rome was                  -       Romulus Augustus
18 Florence Nightingale was known as              -    Lady of the Lamp
19 Mao Tse Tung died in the year                     -     1976 AD
20 In 1806,the Holy Roman Empire was dissolved by-   Napolean

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