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Monday 29 September 2014



 INDIAN NATIONAL• Government of India Act 1858
• Indian National Congress (1885)
• Partition of Bengal (1905)
• Muslim League (1906)
• Swadeshi Movement (1905)
• Morley-Minto Reforms (1909)
• Lucknow Pact (1916)
• Home Rule Movement (1916-­1920)
• The Gandhian Era (1917-1947)
• Khilafat Movement (1920)
• The Rowlatt Act (1919)
• Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre (1919)
• Non-Cooperation Movement (1920)
• Chauri Chaura Incident (1922)
• Swaraj Party (1923)
• Simon Commission (1927)
• Dandi March (1930)
• Gandhi-Irwin Pact (1931)
• The Government of India Act, 1935
• Quit India Movement (1942)
• Cabinet Mission Plan (1946)
• Interim Government (1946)
• Formation of Constituent Assembly (1946)
• Mountbatten Plan (1947)
• The Indian Independence Act, 1947
• Partition of India (1947)

हच किस कम्पनी का नाम हैँ?

हच किस कम्पनी का नाम हैँ?
A. एयरसेल
B. एयरटेल
C. वोडाफोन
D. रिलायंस
ANS- C. वोडाफोन

भारत का राष्ट्रीय गान किसने लिखा था ?

भारत का राष्ट्रीय गान किसने लिखा था ?
(A) रवीन्द्र नाथ टैगोर
(B) स्वामी विवेकानन्द
(C) बंकिम चन्द चटर्जी
(D) इनमें से कोई नही
ANS- (A) रवीन्द्र नाथ टैगोर

विश्व का सबसें अमीर देंश कौनसा है

विश्व का सबसें अमीर देंश कौनसा है
अ) भारत
ब) चीन
स) जापान
द) स्वीटरलैंड
ANS- द) स्वीटरलैंड

जीरो (0) की खोज किस देश में हुई थी ?

जीरो (0) की खोज किस देश में हुई थी ?
(1)- युनान
(2) अमेरिका
ANS- (3)-भारत

भारत की सबसे ऊँची छोटी कोनसी है ?

भारत की सबसे ऊँची छोटी कोनसी है ?
(B)कंचन जंघा
(C)गॉडविन ऑस्टिन K2
(D) माउंट एवेरेस्ट
ANS- (C)गॉडविन ऑस्टिन K2

कुछ चिडिय़ां हैं तथा कुछ शाखाएं हैं, यदि एक चिडिय़ा एक शाखा पर बैठे तो एक चिडिय़ा बची रहती है। यदि एक शाखा पर दो-दो चिडिय़ां बैठें तो एक शाखा बची रहती है। शाखाओं और चिडिय़ों की संख्याएं ज्ञात करें?

कुछ चिडिय़ां हैं तथा कुछ शाखाएं हैं, यदि एक चिडिय़ा एक शाखा पर बैठे तो एक चिडिय़ा बची रहती है। यदि एक शाखा पर दो-दो चिडिय़ां बैठें तो एक शाखा बची रहती है। शाखाओं और चिडिय़ों की संख्याएं ज्ञात करें?
(a) 2 शाखाएं 4 चिडिय़ां
(b) 3 शाखाएं 4 चिडिय़ां
(c) 3 शाखाएं 6 चिडिय़ां
(d) 3 शाखाएं 5 चिडिय़ां
ANS- (b) 3 शाखाएं 4 चिडिय़ां

किस स्थान पर परमाणु शक्ति स्टेशन है ?

किस स्थान पर परमाणु शक्ति स्टेशन है ?
1 कोलकाता
2 तारापुर
3 कोर्बा
4 नेवेली
ANS- 2 तारापुर

RBI का मुख्यालय कहाँ है ?

RBI का मुख्यालय कहाँ है ?
1 कोलकाता
2 मुम्बई
3 दिल्ली
4 चेन्नई
ANS- 2 मुम्बई

विधुत प्रतिरोध मापा जाता है :

विधुत प्रतिरोध मापा जाता है :
1. वोल्ट मेँ 
2. एम्पियर मेँ
3. ओह्म मेँ
4. कूलम्ब मेँ

ANS- 3. ओह्म मेँ

SSC Recruitment 2014-2015 (16736 Inter/Graduate Level Vacancies)

SSC Recruitment 2014-2015 (16736 Inter/Graduate Level Vacancies)SSC Recruitment 2014-2015 (16736 Inter/Graduate Level Vacancies) 



Books and Authors-

Books and Authors-
[1] Life of Pi ------ Yann Martel
[2] When Loss is Gain ------ Diplomat Pavan K.Varma
[3] One Day Wonders ------ Sunil Gavaskar
[4] My life and Times ------ V.V. Giri
[5] Kalpana Chawla - A Life ------ Anil Padmanaban
[6] Kamasutra ------- Vatsayana
[7] War and Piece ----- Leo Tolstoy
[8] Devdas -------- Sharat Chandra Chatterjee
[9] Half a Life -------- V.S Naipoul
[10] Unhappy India ----- Lala Lajpat Rai
[11] Jyoti punj ------ Narendra Modi
[12] The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes ------- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
[13] Economic History of India ------- R. C. Dutt
[14] The book of Indian Birds ------- Dr. Salim Ali
[15] Living with Honour ------ Shiv Khera
[16] We Indians, Train To Pakistan, Women and Men in My Life -------KhuswantSingh
[17] The Discovery of India -------- Jawaharlal Nehru
[18] Indian Philosophy -------- Dr. S. RadhaKrishnan
[19] Gulliver Travels ------- Jonathan Swift
[20] My Nation My Life ----- L.K. Advani
[21] Independence ------- S.K. Banerjee
[22] Last Days of Nethaji ------- G.D. Khosla
[23] My Experiments with Truth ------- Mahatma Gandhi
[24] The God of Small Things ------- Arundhati Roy
[25] War and Piece ------ Tolstoy
[26] Wakeup India ----- Annie Besant
[27] Two Lives, The Golden Gate, A Suitable Boy, Arion and The Dolphin, An Equal Music, From Heaven Lake:Travels ------ Vikram Seth
[28] India First ------- K. R. Malkani
[29] My Life -------- Bill Clinton
[30] Dreams From My Father -------- Barack Obama
[31] The Future of India ------- Dr. Bimal Jalan
[32] Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, King Lear ------- Shakespeare

भारत के मंगल अभियान का नाम क्या रखा हैँ?

भारत के मंगल अभियान का नाम क्या रखा हैँ?
क मेवेन
ख मंगल क्रांति
ग मार्स आँर्बिटर टास्क
घ माँर्स आँबिटर मिशन

ANS- घ माँर्स आँबिटर मिशन

मंगलयान के साथ भेजे गए उपकरणों की भूमिका"

मंगलयान के साथ भेजे गए उपकरणों की भूमिका"

- मंगलयान के साथ पाँच प्रयोगात्मक उपकरण भेजे गये हैं जिनका कुल भार १५ किलोग्राम है। ये हैं-
- मीथेन सेंसर (मीथेन संवेदक) - यह मंगल के वातावरण में मिथेन गैस की मात्रा को मापेगा तथा इसके स्रोतों का मानचित्र बनाएगा।
- थर्मल इंफ्रारेड स्पेक्ट्रोमीटर (TIS) (ऊष्मीय अवरक्त स्पेक्ट्रोमापक) - यह मंगल की सतह का तापमान तथा उत्सर्जकता (emissivity) की माप करेगा जिससे मंगल के सतह की संरचना तथा खनिजकी (mineralogy) का मानचित्रण करने में सफलता मिलेगी।
- मार्स कलर कैमरा (MCC) (मंगल वर्ण कैमरा)- यह दृष्य स्पेक्ट्रम में चित्र खींचेगा जिससे अन्य उपकरणों के काम करने के लिए सन्दर्भ प्राप्त होगा।
- लमेन अल्फा फोटोमीटर (Lyman Alpha Photometer (LAP)) (लिमैन अल्फा प्रकाशमापी) - यह ऊपरी वातावरण में ड्यूटीरियम तथा हाइड्रोजन की मात्रा मापेगा।
- मंगल इक्सोस्फेरिक न्यूट्रल संरचना विश्लेषक (MENCA) (मंगल बहिर्मंडल उदासीन संरचना विश्लेषक) - यह एक चतुःध्रुवी द्रव्यमान विश्लेषक है जो बहिर्मंडल (इक्सोस्फीयर) में अनावेशित कण संरचना का विश्लेषण करने में सक्षम है।

Sunday 28 September 2014




January 9:  NRI Day
January 10: World Laughter Day
January 12: National Youth Day
January 15: Army Day
January 26: India's Republic Day, International Customs Day
January 30: Martyrs' Day; World Leprosy Eradication Day


2nd Sunday of February: World Marriage Day
February 24: Central Excise Day
February 28: National Science Day


Second Monday March:  Commonwealth Day
March 8: International Women's Day; Intl. literacy Day
March 15: World Disabled Day; World Consumer Rights Day
March 18: Ordnance Factories Day (India)
March 21: World Forestry Day; International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
March 22: World Day for Water
March 23: World Meteorological Day
March 24: World TB Day


April 5: National Maritime Day
April 7 World Health Day
April 17 World Haemophilia Day
April 18 World Heritage Day
April 21 Secretaries' Day
April 22 Earth Day
April 23 World Book and Copyright Day


May 1 Workers' Day (International Labour Day)
May 3 Press Freedom Day; World Asthma Day
May 2nd Sunday Mother's Day
May 4 Coal Miners' Day
May 8 World Red Cross Day
May 9 World Thalassaemia Day
May 11 National Technology Day
May 12 World Hypertension Day; International Nurses Day
May 15 International Day of the Family
May 17 World Telecommunication Day
May 24 Commonwealth Day
May 31 Anti-tobacco Day


June 4 International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
June 5 World Environment Day
June 3rd Sunday Father's Day
June 14 World Blood Donor Day
June 26 International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking


July 1 Doctor's Day
July 6 World Zoonoses Day
July 11 World Population Day


August 3 Internatioal Friendship Day
August 6 Hiroshima Day
August 8 World Senior Citizen's Day
August 9 Quit India Day, Nagasaki Day
August 15 Indian Independence Day
August 18 International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples
August 19 Photography Day
August 29 National Sports Day
August 19 Photography Day
August 29 National Sports Day


September 2 Coconut Day
September 5 Teachers' Day; Sanskrit Day
September 8 World Literacy Day (UNESCO)
September 15 Engineers' Day
September 16 World Ozone Day
September 21 Alzheimer's Day; Day for Peace & Non-violence (UN)
September 26 Day of the Deaf
September 27 World Tourism Day


October 1 International Day for the Elderly
October 2 Gandhi Jayanthi
October 3 World Habitat Day
October 4 World Animal Welfare Day
October 8 Indian Air Force Day
October 9 World Post Office Day
October 10 National Post Day
October 2nd Thursday World Sight Day
October 13 UN International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction
October 14 World Standards Day
October 15 World White Cane Day (guiding the blind)
October 16 World Food Day
October 24 UN Day; World Development Information Day
October 30 World Thrift Day


November 9 Legal Services Day
November 14 Children's Day; Diabetes Day
November 17 National Epilepsy Day
November 20 Africa Industrialization Day
November 29 International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People


December 1 World AIDS Day
December 3 World Day of the Handicapped
December 4 Indian Navy Day
December 7 Indian Armed Forces Flag Day
December 10 Human Rights Day
December 18 Minorities Rights Day (India)
December 23 Kisan Divas (Farmer's Day) (India)

Saturday 27 September 2014



[1] Anshi National Park --------- Karnataka

[2] Bandipur National Park ----------- Karnataka

[3] Bannerghatta National Park --------- Karnataka

[4] Balphakram National Park ------- Meghalaya

[5] Bandhavgarh National Park --------- Madhya Pradesh

[6] Betla National Park --------- Jharkhand

[7] Bhitarkanika National Park ------- Odisha

[8] Blackbuck National Park, Velavadar -------- Gujarat

[9] Buxa Tiger Reserve -------- West Bengal

[10] Campbell Bay National Park --------- Andaman and Nicobar Islands

[11] Chandoli National Park --------- Maharashtra

[12] Dachigam National Park ------- Jammu and Kashmir

[13] Darrah National Park --------- Rajasthan

[14] Desert National Park -------- Rajasthan

[15] Dibru-Saikhowa National Park --------- Assam

[16] Dudhwa National Park --------- Uttar Pradesh

[17] Eravikulam National Park -------- Kerala

[18] Galathea National Park --------- Andaman and Nicobar Islands

[19] Gangotri National Park --------- Uttarakhand

[20] Gir Forest National Park --------- Gujarat

[21] Gorumara National Park -------- West Bengal

[22] Govind Pashu Vihar Wildlife Sanctuary ------ Uttarakhand

[23] Great Himalayan National Park ------- Himachal Pradesh,

[24] Gugamal National Park -------- Maharashtra

[25] Guindy National Park -------- Tamil Nadu

[26] Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park ---------- Tamil Nadu

[27] Hemis National Park --------- Jammu and Kashmir

[28] Harike Wetland ------- Punjab

[29] Hazaribagh National Park ------- Jharkhand

[30] Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park -------- Tamil Nadu

[31] Indravati National Park ------- Chhattisgarh

[32] Jaldapara National Park ------- West Bengal

[33] Jim Corbett National Park -------- Uttarakhand

[34] Kalesar National Park ------ Haryana

[35] Kanha National Park ------- Madhya Pradesh

[36] Kanger Ghati National Park -------- Chhattisgarh

[37] Kasu Brahmananda Reddy National Park -------- Telangana

[38] Kaziranga National Park ------ Assam

[39] Keibul Lamjao National Park ------ Manipur

[40] Keoladeo National Park --------- Rajasthan

[41] Khangchendzonga National Park ------- Sikkim

[42] Kishtwar National Park --------- Jammu and Kashmir

[43] Kudremukh National Park ------- Karnataka

[44] Madhav National Park ------- Madhya Pradesh

[45] Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park ------- Andaman and Nicobar Islands

[46] Mahavir Harina Vanasthali National Park ------- Telangana

[47] Manas National Park ------ Assam

[48] Mandla Plant Fossils National Park -------- Madhya Pradesh

[49] Marine National Park, Gulf of Kutch ------- Gujarat

[50] Mathikettan Shola National Park ------- Kerala



latest map of indian states[1] Andhra Pradesh - E. S. L. Narasimhan
[2] Arunachal Pradesh - Nirbhay Sharma
[3] Assam - Janaki Ballabh Patnaik
[4] Bihar - D. Y. Patil
[5] Chhattisgarh - Balramji Das Tandon
[6] Goa - Mridula Sinha
[7] Gujarat - Om Prakash Kohli
[8] Haryana - Kaptan Singh Solanki
[9] Himachal Pradesh - Urmila Singh
[10] Jammu and Kashmir - Narinder Nath Vohra
[11] Jharkhand - Syed Ahmed
[12] Karnataka - Vajubhai Rudabhai Vala
[13] Kerala - Justice P. Sathasivam
[14] Madhya Pradesh - Ram NareshYadav
[15] Maharashtra - Ch. Vidyasagar Rao
[16] Manipur - Vacant (Vinod Kumar Duggal Resigned)
[17] Meghalaya - Krishan Kant Paul
[18] Mizoram - Vacant (Vinod Kumar Duggal Resigned)
[19] Nagaland – Padmanabha Acharya
[20] Odisha - S. C. Jamir
[21] Punjab - Shivraj Patil
[22] Rajasthan – Kalyan Singh
[23] Sikkim - Shriniwas Dadasaheb Patil
[24] Tamil Nadu - K. Rosaiah
[25] Telangana - E. S. L. Narasimhan
[26] Tripura - Padmanabha Acharya
[27] Uttar Pradesh - Ram Naik
[28] Uttarakhand - Aziz Qureshi
[29] West Bengal - Keshari Nath Tripath

इसरो (ISRO) का मुख्य कार्यालय कहाँ पर स्थित है?

इसरो (ISRO) का मुख्य कार्यालय कहाँ पर स्थित है?
1. दिल्ली
2. बेंगलोर
3. मुम्बई
4. हैदराबाद

ANS- 2. बेंगलोर

IBPS PO Exam Evening Shift Questions- Exam held on 20.10.2013

IBPS PO Exam Evening Shift Questions- Exam held on 20.10.2013

1. The headquarter of Allahabad Bank is situated in?-Kolkata
2. International Women’s Day is observed on?-8th march
3. What is the full form of GAAR?-General Anti Avoidance Rule
4. Name the new President of Zimbabwe?-Robert Mugabe
5. MIBOR is operating in which stock exchange?-NSE
6. Define Trade Deficit?- It is the negative balance between the imports and exports of the country
7. Which of the following new pension plan launched by Uttar Pradesh govt?
9. Which rate has been changed by RBI during 20/9/13 monetary policy review? - Repo rate
10.What is the import tax on Gold Jewellery?-15%
11. FII invests in Indian market through?-Participatory notes
12. World Trade Organization is Head Quartered in?-Geneva,Switzerland
13. Revenue Deficit is the difference between – Revenue Income and Revenue Expenditure
14. ATM without any bank's specified label is known as?-White Label ATMs
15. Who is the CEO of Apple Company?- Timothy D.Cook
16. Which of the following is the Largest stock exchange in the World? NYSE/Nasdaq
17. The actor who played the role of Milkha Singh in the movie Bhaag Milkha Bhaag ?-Farhaan Akhtar
18. Who is the richest person in India according to Forbes?-Mukesh Ambani
19. What is the Capital of Lebanon?- Beirut
20. Ranjan Sodhi is related to which sport?-Shooting
21. Bringing out illegal money to visible called?-
22. Govt approved disinvestment of 10% stake of which company?
23. What is the minimum limit of RTGS?-Rs.2 Lakh
24. According to basel 2, norms what is a supplementry capital?
25. LAF stands for – Liquidity Adjustment Facility
26. RBI was established on the recommendation of which committee?-Hilton Young Commission
27. "Grey Revolution" is associated with?-Fertilizers
28. What is the Male/Female ratio according to 2011 census? 1000:940
29. which stock exchange is profitable this year?
30. Barual is the Capital of?-
31. A policy adjustment done by central bank of a country to control money called- credit policy
32. Name the scheme which is 50% of SC category Punjab govt.
33. The difference between govt. revenue and govt. expenditure is known as?-Budget Deficit

IBPS PO GA Questions(20-10-2013) - Morning Session

IBPS PO GA Questions(20-10-2013) - Morning Session

1. Who is the director of the bollywood film Satyagraha?-Prakash Jha
2. Who is the first Indian-origin Miss America 2013 ?-Nina Davuluri
3. Reserve Bank of India hiked Repo Rate on Sept 20, 2013 by 25 basis points to - 7.50%
4. The limit of Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme is hiked from Rs.10 lakh to -Rs.12 lakh p.a
5. The headquarter of Canara Bank is situated in ? - Bangalore
6. NEFT stands for -National Electronic Fund Transfer
7. ATM wrong deduction to be refunded within
8. Which country became the 28th member of EU(European Union) ? - Croatia
9. When RBI wants to absorb liquidity from market it _____ CRR ? – Increases
10.Which Committee is related to Gold ?-K U B Rao
11. Next G-8 Summit will be held in ?- Sochi, Russia
12. Resolution 2020 is written by ? - Chetan Bhagat
13. Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana
14. Wheat comes under - rabi crop
15. GDP Growth Forecast by CSO for 2013-14
16. Name the joint venture of Tata Sons-Singapore Airlines -- Tata SIA Airlines Ltd
17. No. 1 Stock Exchange in the World - NYSE/ Nasdaq
18. Award given to Finance Minister P Chidambaram by ET Awards -- Business Reformer Award
19. Balance Sheet indicates – assets and liabilities of the company
20. What do you understand by TLE in POS machine ?- Terminal Line Encryption
21. G20 Summit 2013 was held at - Saint Petersburg, Russia

22. At a time what is maximum limit of Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account (BSBDA) -- Rs 50, 000
23. Infosys launches new version of banking solution -- Finacle11
24. MacMohan Line between which countries – India and China
25. Who developed the rupee symbol?– Udaya Kumar
26. CEO of Women Bank – Usha Ananthasubramanian
27. What is the full form of EASIEST?-Electronic Accounting System in Excise and Service Tax
28. Who is the Chief of Forward Markets Commission (FMC) -- Shri Ramesh Abhishek
29. Who among the following is not a member of Parliament
30. New Director General of CPRF – Dilip Trivedi
31. The maximum investment limit in a Micro Enterprise is?-Rs.25 Lakh

32. IFSC Code is needed in?-Indian Financial System Code is needed in banking system
33. Information technology Act was constituted in which year?-2000
34. Who is the first indian to win shooting competion in world championship ? -
Rahi Sarnobat
35. Where has ONGC opened new gas based power plant recently?
36. Adviced Limit of draft granted by cheque?
37. 726 MW ONGC power project in which North-Eastern state -- Tripura
38. The 78-year-old RBI history book released by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh 'RBI History — Looking Back and Looking Ahead'
39. What is the full form of TLE?-Terminal Line Encryption
40. Mandatory for companies to spend at least 2% of net profits on-CSR
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